things i want.

A Laptop that will power its USB ports even when the laptop is off. Like ACC mode in car.

To be able to donate to candidates but if they don’t do what they say then I get the money back.

A smart phone that doesn’t suck and is open.

To delay getting bifocals as long as possible.

For someone besides Hillary to win the democratic nomination.

Bloglines to have a one-click button that adds to

I want People who think that whether or not we should torture is something worth debating to get out of my country.

To find a way to practice speaking Spanish.

For Google to allow me to adjust the page rank of pages just for me.

To have more songs in my iTunes than my son does.

A setting for my python IDE which doesn’t just make spaces instead of tabs the default but refuses to allow any files with tabs to be included in the project unless they are converted and never forgets this setting. EVER.

A commuter bike with a light and fenders and all that jazz.

To be able to make a blog post from a random list of sentences and fragments.






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